可对大鼠、小鼠的体温、心率、活动量,进行无线式、长时间的测量和记录 植入式生理信号无线遥测系统用于长时间测量清醒无束缚的大鼠、小鼠、兔子、比格犬、猴子、鱼等多种动物的心率、体温和活动量等生理参数。使用此系统可以保证动物在笼内自由活动,不需要麻醉或束缚,这样测量到的生理信号更能反映自然状态下的动物生理状况。可用于生物节律研究和相关的生命体征监测。
VitalView植入式生理信号无线遥测系统的特点: · 无线式测量 · 植入式E-Mitter转发器没有电池 · 长期监测-植入装置后允许连续、遥测实验动物的整个生命周期 · 准确、可靠, 报告清醒无束缚动物的生理和行为数据 植入式系统 的主要技术参数:
ER4000 信号接收器 ER4000信号接收器,用于给E-Mitters充电和接收E-Mitters传回来的测量数据。适合标准的大小鼠饲养笼具。 信号接收器的主要参数
VitalView软件可以设置实验参数和采集数据。软件管理与硬件的连接,并且储存显示基本的图形化的数据分析。软件也提供统计形式的数据显示,可以输出数据。 Telemetry – used to monitor temperature, gross motor activity and heart rate data. Physiological and behavioral monitoring oftransgenic mice and other laboratory animals has never been simpler. Through the use of biotelemetry and a variety of available sensors, it is possible for VitalView to monitor up to seven different physiological or behavioral parameters from a single laboratory subject Combinations of the following parameters may be monitored for multiple laboratory subjects using VitalView: Body Core Temperature Heart Rate Gross Motor Activity Running Wheel Turns Drinking/Licking Frequency Feeding Behavior Ambient Temperature Ambient Light E-Mitter Battery-Free Implantable Transponders Using telemetry to provide temperature, gross motor activity and heart rate data. An E-Mitter is a small implantable transponder that is powered by capturing energy from electrical fields generated by the ER-4000 Energizer/Receiver. This allows the E-Mitter to operate without batteries and remain implanted indefinitely to monitor the subject''s temperature, activity or heart rate. As a result, high costs and downtime of explantation, refurbishment and reimplantation are avoided.
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更新时间:2025/1/14 9:47:13
标签:动物生理信号遥测系统(动物心率.体温.活动量测量仪) 大鼠心率.体温.活动量测量仪 小鼠心率.体温.活动量测量仪 动物心率.体温.活动量测量仪